Kamuingi koyaga ndiri

A hundred hands make the work easy!


We are happy that you have found us!


We assist self-help projects in the parish of Munyu and in the area around Munyu. Munyu is situated about 70 km northeast of Nairobi, the capital of Kenia in a rural poor and dry area.

We sposor poverty erasing projects. We construct schools and support institutions for children and adults with disabilities. The contribution of our partners and the sustainability of the projects is always in our focus.

In Kenya, nobody can pronounce our German name "Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Munyu/Kenia". So our English name is "OASA", which means "Organization for the Assistance in Self Help Activities"

Our image video shows you what we do



Donations Account

Verein Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Munyu / Kenia e.V
Hypovereinsbank Weißenhorn
IBAN:   DE38630200860310909815

Assistance in Self Help Activities

Since the foundation of OASA in November 2001 we work together with our partners in Munyu individually and unsalaried. We have stated our aim in our name: Assistance in Self Help Activities.

We are committed to the sustainability of our projects and the individual responsibility of our partners.
